Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Italiano Soapworks

While traveling in Italy, at one of the Tuscan hilltown markets, this soapmaker's display caught my eye. Isn't it great!


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Yankee Soaper!

I'm so glad you left a comment on my blog so I could find yours! I love scented soaps. My husband and I actually had a conversation last week about how his family used to make their own soap out of the tallow from bones when he was a child.

I'm going over to your food blogs next!

YankeeSoaper said...

Well thanks Pat, & for stopping by! Wow! Your husbands recall really takes me back and though I only make all vegetable oil herbal soaps, I know many soapers that still render their own fat and lye.

Clare Marie said...

Thank-You for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment - I do hope the Vanilla Files I'm working on can be of help to other soapmakers :)

This image is gorgeous! Did you stop & buy some? I know I would have been tempted ..

YankeeSoaper said...

TY Artisan for reciprocating a visit ;) To answer your question.. yes, oodles of them I bought!